Good ideas professionally realised

Arwinger Caravaning is a Hamburg-based start-up that was founded in the spring of 2021 with the idea of converting box vans into high-quality, thoughtfully designed campervans. In our production facility in Hamburg, Germany our young, highly motivated team designs and manufactures the Arwinger Campervans as small series production, in modular construction. At the same time, prototypes for further series are developed.

We operate in the B2B sector with our campervans. Our customers are, on the one hand, vehicle rental companies that want to cover the popular area of converted vans and, on the other hand, companies that provide their employees with campervans as mobile offices.

During the initial conception of the conversions, an idea was born that now represents the second mainstay of the company: Arwinger invented the cassette separation toilet and developed a conversion set for converting chemical cassette toilets to a separation toilet with cassette. The interest in the Arwinger CassetteSeparationToiletKit is outstanding and the first conversion sets are already available.

Arwinger was founded by Sven Mahn, who is not only a passionate camper and converts vehicles in his spare time, but also runs an IT company. Sven Mahn IT is a consulting and development partner for Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP. Due to its proximity to the IT world, Arwinger has been built from the ground up with the highest degree of digital support. We use the latest methodologies and innovative technologies to optimise construction, production processes, documentation and collaboration with our suppliers. In addition to Dynamics 365 and Azure DevOps, we also use hardware such as HoloLens and Surface Hub.

Our vision

is to develop and realise special ideas with our good eye for innovative solutions – with a lot of passion and the highest quality standards.

Willkommen an Bord

Nach unserem erfolgreichen Start stocken wir unser Team kontinuierlich auf. Wir sind deshalb laufend auf der Suche nach neuen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die Spaß an unserer Idee haben und das Unternehmen mit uns gemeinsam weiter voranbringen wollen. Unser Geschäftsführer Carsten-M. Schünemann freut sich über deine Bewerbung – sei sie initiativ oder auf ein Stellenangebot bezogen.

Bitte schicke deine aussagefähigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse) unter Angabe deiner Gehaltsvorstellung und deines frühesten Eintrittstermins per E-Mail an

Die Arwinger – das Hörspiel

Spannende Unterhaltung für Camper und andere Abenteuerlustige gibt es hier: Die Arwinger – ein historisches Piraten-Abendeuer-Hörspiel